COSTService & Charge

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Please confirm before applying

Urban Interior provides multiple basic plans and options
to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

If you are unsure of which plan is right for you, or which plan is the best to achieve your ideal image,
please do not hesitate to contact us by official LINE account, phone or Contact form.
Even if your request does not fit into a specific plan, our coordinators will guide you based on your preferences.

Also, please refere to this page for an explanation of the process from inquiry to completion of a plan.

Three plans are available as interior coordination fees.

“Which plan is right for me?”

“Which plan is the best
to achieve my ideal image?”

“What I’m want to request
does not fit any plans.”

If you have any concerns like above,
please feel free to contact us.

If you have not received an automatic reply e mail , your e mail address might be wrong. So, please contact us by phone or e mail again.









Click below for more information on requests and consultations for your ideal home.
